Why I Started Blogging
I’m not sure when I first heard the term “blog.” Or what I thought about it when I did hear it. I probably thought it sounded funny … BL-OOOOOG. Such a weird word, but now it’s a commonplace in the home. The term Blog, coined in the late ‘90s, comes from the original word “weblog.” I Googled it. That was over 25 years ago—that’s how old the word blog is.
#MindBlowing #NowIFeelOld
I thought blogs were just online diaries. Some started as such. I’m not all about airing my laundry to everyone, so I never thought blogging was for me. Grabbing ice cream with a friend or scheduling a phone date, those are ways I wanted to share my insight and wisdom—along with my fears, hopes, joys, and trials.
As I got older and busier, time to meet up with friends became slim to none.
Motherhood Can Be So Busy
Feed family, clean house, educate the littles, feed family, clean house, homework, extracurriculars, be fun, feed family, clean house, bedtime, Jesus (he needs to be in there more than once), time with the spouse, extended family time, community involvement, OH.MY.WORD! The list goes on and on! I know I’m not in it alone, but sometimes it sure feels like I am.
Some days are better than others, but I strive to do better than yesterday (or just better than an hour ago). I am a sinner, and you’ll find me at church because of it. I make messes, I forget to pack utensils in lunch boxes, I’m repeatedly late, some days I wear make-up and other days I wish I had, I’m late on my library returns, I eat fast food and treatsies, some mornings I look in the mirror and wonder where this hot-mess is headed.
Then I reach out to a friend and we swap stories. Some days her chaos puts mine to shame. Other days my crazy takes the cake. It’s not a competition, but it makes us both feel normal and relieved to know that another day has come and gone and we are still human.
Bloggers Fill in the Gaps
Other than a best friend or my own mother, who could possibly understand a tired mom with 5 kids, a husband, and a family-like mine? As it turns out, there are a lot more moms like me than I realized! What a relief to read what those mommas do to stay sane, incorporate Jesus in their daily lives and the lives of their family, what they enjoy, what they cook, what they fear, and how they handle their kids in the multitude of situations life throws at us.
So when I feel swallowed up by the mountain of responsibility that comes with motherhood, marriage, and adulting, I tell myself, “By God’s grace, tomorrow is a new day, and I can learn from my mistakes and do better.” My family deserves it—we all deserve it.
All of us mommas love our kids so deeply and unconditionally that it hurts sometimes. We have genuine fear, pain, joy, and happiness. When I don’t have a friend or family member who can relate to a situation I am going through, I turn to the mommas on the internet who have faced the same struggles. There’s always a solution out there, and I get to choose which one will work best for my family.
My Blog-Tastic Goal
I may be the only wife and momma in our household, but I’m not the only wife and momma out there. If we support one another in our joys, trials, and everyday mundane-ness, we can make it through the highs and lows of parenthood and marriage, and come out better for it.
I hope to provide a community of love and support, some tasty, kid-approved recipes, helpful advice, and a laugh or two.
Welcome to the crazy and wonderful world of blogging Angela. I love your reason for starting this blog. As a relatively new blogger myself, I have been pleasantly surprised by the community of other moms that I’ve met and connected with online. It is so comforting to know that we are not alone in our parenting struggles and to support each other with our challenges and cheer each other on with our achievements. Looking forward to following your journey.
Thanks for your kind words Tahmina! It’s exciting, and a little scary, to get this blog going. I’m sure you remember all of the feelings you had after your first post went live 🙂
Love the term “blog-tastic” welcome to the blogging world! 😊🙏👍
Thanks so much! You can ask my husband, I’m full of fun, made-up words!